Monday, 4 February 2013


Since Monday we've been experimenting with typography. For me, I have to come up with as many ways as possible to depict my word 'Assemble' through different types of type. I have to really analysis my word and see what works. What colour is 'assemble'? Is it serif or sans serif? Upper case, lower case or a mixture? Bold, italic or roman? They're the basic questions but we also have to look at all kinds of references that we like. Such a multitude of ways to express one word!

Sunday, 3 February 2013


Seeing as my collage idea wasn't exactly working out for the best, I decided to go with something simple - yet I think it communicates 'assemble' quite well! I thought about assembling something that you wouldn't usually assesmble.. or would usually disassemble - an orange! So I bought a single orange, took it apart.. then put it back together again. As research I've been looking at assembly sheets of toys, furniture and even things as simple as cardbord boxes. I think it'd look great as an illustration, but it'll need to be precise!