Friday, 30 November 2012

Decision Time!

As this semester nears an end, and assesment draws closer, its easy to forget that we have to make our decisions regarding what subject choices we have to make for next semester. Last week the college held a number of talks on what each department is about. I went to talks on most of the disciplines, to keep my options open. The talk on fashion was quiet scare-mongering.... but intruiging! I loved the display on graphics and getting to see how much of a broad course it is. I love photography, but after going to the talk about it, I don't think its something that I'd like to take to degree level. So, at the moment fashion and visual communications are my top two. I'm stuck between painting, print and animation as my third. We'll see!

My Apartment Work Space.

Fairy lights always make me feel at home!

Thursday, 29 November 2012

New Subjects

Again, I met with one of my tutors to find out how my new idea is developing. I showed Elaine the maps I made and some beach photography. She suggest I become more particular in my approach. I should find something, an object perhaps, that brings me straight back to the beach in my childhood. I should keep to my theme of nostalgia. The idea of ice cream resonated with me and I thought about hazy summer evenings by the shore, and trips to the dairy or the ice cream van to get a 99 cone, dipped in sparkling multi-coloured hundreds and thousands. The sweet creamy taste and that familiar melody of the ice cream van...

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Cyu next semester CCS!

No more CCS lectures until next semester. I must day though, I really enjoyed the lectures and learnt alot during our 'whirlwind through art history'. In fairness we did cover alot - from Giotto's pioneering perspective to Wedgewood's business-savy ceramics in the eighteenth century. Now to focus on our CCS tutorial notebook due for the 10th!

Tuesday, 27 November 2012


Kieran showed us the work of a past ceramics student called Niamh. I love her used of materials, shape and the story-like quality to her work of oceans, mythology and tales of the deep.

Ceramics Workshop

Today I decided to take part in a ceramics workshop run by one of the lecturers, Kieran. We were given a tour of the ceramics studios and shown some sketchbooks of previous students. Unfortunately we didnt get to make anything within our time slot but I must admit I did benefit and was inspired by some of the beautiful sketchbboks and pieces. Although I dont think ceramics is for me, I have a great admiration and respect for it.

Monday, 26 November 2012

Meeting with my Tutor.

Today I spoke to one of my tutors, Elaine, about my new idea. She agreed with me in that it would have been a good idea to begin the year with. She liked my new idea but reminded me how little time is left to begin a new idea. It is possible, I'll just have to work veeery hard! She recommened that I look at old maps to begin with, perhaps layering maps of where I used to live and where I live now. Also, to find some old photographs of Titahi Bay and maybe me there when I was young. They could become nostalgic, retro-like postcards!

Aerial View of Titahi Bay

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Memory Map

The beginning of the first project based on my new idea. I decided to make a map from memory of where I lived when I was young, paying particular attention to the shape of the coast-line and the beaches. I though that it was an interesting way to 'sense my space', by going on memory rather than going straight to a map. I'm planning on painting it using a variety of materials including, watercolour paint, green-tea stains, gold paint, black ink pens and maybe even sand! 

Change (Again!)

Yet again, I found myself coming to a sort of brick wall with regards to the 'To Sense my Space' project. True, during the progress reviews a month ago my tutors were happy with my idea development. But basing my project on caves and shanty towns has come a bit detached from the project idea. Sure they depict a space but is it 'my space'? Not really.
 I started to brainstorm again last week. Instead though of starting completely again ( I didn't fancy going back completely to where I was in December!) I wanted to keep my new idea in tune with my exploration of geographical, physical and personal space.
 In the end I came up with something that I quite obviously should have done from the beginning. I thought about a place that is important to me, that i could connect with and explore. This place is the Titahi Bay Beach in New Zealand, where i lived for the first six and a half years of my life. It is a space which always have an always will be part of me. It is a place that holds just as much importance to me as my home in Waterford. At the moment I'm thinking of so many possibilities, but I must work quick!!!

Thursday, 22 November 2012

CSS Tutorial

Today in our CSS class with Susan, we watched a documentary on the font, 'Helvetica'. I found it strangely interesting, learning about the history of something I quite frankly didn't believe there was any history on!

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

CCS Essay

Our CSS essay of this semester was handed in today. Although it is a weight off my shoulders, I must say I loved doing it! I found the research quite interesting (my love of reading finally put to good use in art college!!) and then the writing I also enjoyed. I chose a question that intriuged me, even though I had little previous knowledge of the period (Rococo).
The question I chose was :
'Did Rococo art have a serious side? Analyse three works with particular reference to the opinions of historians who have written on the matter.'
The works I chose were (listed in order as above) ; The Princess Salon in Hotel de Soubise by Boffrand; Embarkation for Cythera by Watteau; Madame de Pompadour by Boucher.
I found Rococo so very inspiring! It embodies much of what I find aesthetically pleasing in art - cloudy pastels, symbolism, historical significance and ornate decoration. Since I've begun research on the topic it's remarkable how much I've noticed much contempory fashion which has drwn inspiration from the period.

I also made some colour prints but i thought the effects on the colour ont the potatoes when they dried was much more interesting!

Potatoe Prints!

My main feedback from the progress reviews was to work more in 3D. One of my tutors suggested I make potatoe prints in my depiction of favela houses. I had fun with this project, buying a big bag of potatoes and carving them into litttle simple houses. I then make some chips (not with painted potatoes.)

Monday, 19 November 2012

'A sense of belonging to something that belongs to us: a territory. A virtual dwelling that allows us to express ourselves in various ways and meanings.'

Friday, 9 November 2012

Somehow these little boxes, roughly cut, selotaped together and clinging to each other, all lit up, became something quite enchanting for me. This simple project gave me a basis for exploration, perhaps turning 3D into 2D, using a mutitude of different materials and means of expression

In the past few weeks I've found myself in kind of a loop, in terms of the exploration of my 'caves' theme.
 Indeed, I considered abandoning it completely but in the research and brainstorming of new ideas, I continued to be faced with the fascination of the physical space around me and the metaphors it entails.I begun to think about the components of that space which is around me. I thought about my own home, room, living space... I thought about how little material could be used to make a space more safe and homely to me.
 I began to look at different types of homes around the world - my fascination fixated on the small dwellings of the favelas and shanty towns in Rio de Janeiro, Mumbai and Johannesburg. The people of these communities make homes with the most materials, resources abd space that they can find. They fill this space with their dwelling/ manmade cave, and this becomes home.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012